These are just some random thoughts I wrote down while watching my husband clean the house. He will be taking his bath soon and will be wearing "men’s " clothing when he finishes. I put men’s in quotation marks because nothing that he wears is really men’s. Today he will wear white nylon panties and a sanitary pad, a white bra with B cup forms in the cups, women’s faded blue jeans over stockings, Bass burgundy penny loafers, a white silk tee tucked in to the jeans and a brown and silver belt, in his pierced ears diamond studs, a silver chain and pendant, rings and bracelets and a women’s watch, his nails are done his hair will be worn up, and he will be without make up today and he will of course carry his purse. He knows this look is very sissy and the humiliation is somewhat intense for him. He also knows from past experience that any protest will only make things worse for him. The last time he complained about the penny loafers being too feminine I made him wear black patent Mary Janes. When he said the jeans were too short and showed too much shoe I put him in Capri’s. So now he has learned to just wear what he has been given and be thankful. His life really isn’t all bad, he has other sissy friends and he is taking a adult dance class with some ladies. He says he hates that because they all tease him about his clothes and shoes, but I think he secretly likes it. I have promised him that I would find a male for him to have sex with. Oh he gets all panicked about that and flutters around saying NO NO Mistress not that!! But I know that’s just an act. Besides he needs to learn what men like sexually. I would love to see him on his knees for the right man. Despite his protesting I think it would be good for him. He protested about having my mother see him all dressed up but he lived through it. She does have a mean streak though and when she takes him for a weekend he can be sure of spending some time in one of his little girl party dresses. She likes to dress him all up and take him to meet her friends then go to lunch. I almost feel sorry for the big silly thing but hey, if mom likes it why the hell not? Well I have rambled on long enough I have a date tonight and when the sissy is out of the bathroom I need to get dressed. A Happy Wife